Chronic pulpitis health practices What is pulpitis it? Pulpitis (Pulpitis) means the occurrence of inflammatory lesions in the pulp tissue. Pulp contains nerves and blood vessels are the main
Loose connective tissue, located inside the tooth pulp cavity. Pulp for various reasons by the pathogenic role of irritants can cause pulpitis, namely pulpitis, the main symptoms
For the pain, even severe excruciating pain, often leaves the patient restless, diet is hard and miserable.
Gingivitis is the first sign of dental equipments periodontal disease is the main cause of adult tooth loss, it is necessary to advance the prevention. Study found that the main cause of tartar is causing gingivitis, while
Lack of vitamin c, bioflavonoids, calcium, folic acid can also cause inflammation of the gums easily. To introduce the following chronic pulpitis health practices what?
1. Maintain oral hygiene, to develop good health habits, morning and evening, or after eating, brushing, mouthwash after meals, stay in the mouth and timely removal of food between the teeth
Residues and bacteria, use fluoride toothpaste for the prevention of dental caries have a role.
(2) the child's diet and oral hygiene. Children's diet should be diversified, proper eating hard foods and toughness, can promote the growth of their jaws and teeth hair
Sterile. Do not allow children to sleep or eat his mouth candy sweets do not brush our teeth to sleep, because the sugar in your mouth and teeth to corrosive sour derived dental caries.
3 children aged 6-12 do fissure denture teeth eruption of permanent teeth in a timely manner, that the teeth fissure sealed with a layer of resin material, to avoid food debris and bacteria and other harmful substances
Body mass into the tooth, thus preventing dental caries.
4 For wisdom teeth malposition of teeth and food impaction timely treatment, inappropriate dentures and braces timely manner.
5 had untreated dental caries, tooth cavity shallow to remove the damaged dentin after filling with a suitable material, form and function of the teeth to be restored to prevent feed
Step carious; deep caries cavities, according to the specific circumstances of appropriate treatment. Pulpitis caused by caries or periapical, to clear the pulp cavity or root around
Bacterial infection after root canal treatment to keep teeth. For therapeutic value has lost residual crown and root timely removal and timely inlay complex.
6 Chronic pulpitis care method also includes once every six months to a year oral examination.