
dental fillings disinfectants what

Fill in the dental clinic for teeth, dental surgeons and general decay of our organization will be worn out, remove the decayed part of the ready-hole, and then disinfect them, and finally filling treatment, then commonly used in clinical dental cavities disinfectants, what does.

    Dental experts pointed out that dental fillings used clinically disinfection drugs - silver nitrate: is a strong disinfectants and corrosive. 10% silver nitrate solution for superficial caries cavity disinfection, sterilization is not suitable for deep cavities. 0.1% silver nitrate solution can kill a variety of bacteria; 0.01% silver nitrate acrylic resin teeth solution to inhibit bacterial growth. Since silver nitrate great irritation, not the time will damage the pulp, it is required to use extra precautions. Alcohol: 75% alcohol sterilization strongest, but rarely used in clinical cavity disinfection.

    Camphophenic: Disinfection is weak, but the permeability is strong. Eugenol: a disinfectant, analgesic effect, but the disinfecting capability is weak. Thymol: Disinfection strong in dentin permeability larger, pulp irritation slight, with a mild analgesic effect, is an ideal cavity disinfectants. 0.003% thymol solution can inhibit the dental machine growth of pyogenic bacteria.

    Dental experts pointed out that dental disinfectants main effect is to dentin completely kill the residual bacteria and prevent further development of caries. The specific choice of what kind of disinfection materials, dental hospitals based on the patient's oral condition combined with the patient's physical and mental condition.

