
dental expert answers scaling will damage the teeth do

In recent years, as people's awareness of oral health continues to improve, more and more patients to dental cleanings for oral health care, but there is a part of the people will ask, scaling it will not damage the teeth for this topic, we Listen to the dielectric strength of dental specialists.

    Dental experts say: every adult resin teeth teeth at the gingival margin to varying degrees piled calculus, tartar and plaque, which can cause gingival margin hyperemia, edema, easy to cause bleeding gums, if left untreated, can cause periodontitis , periodontal ligament and alveolar bone atrophy gradually ill, fixed tooth tissue will become less and less, resulting in significant loosening of the teeth. Therefore, in a timely manner, but in addition to scaling tartar, dental disease prevention ultrasonic tip and species occurrence, scaling is not a dental drill, will not damage teeth.

    Some people think that scaling will damage the tooth surface tissue, resulting in allergies or loose, dental experts say: this idea is not correct. Scaling is not a drill teeth, it is the use of ultrasonic vibration theory, the plaque, tartar shattered, and the doctors operated to continuously move the working head, just touch the calculus, will not damage the teeth.

    Finally Dental Experts pointed out: scaling is not going to damage the teeth, but the teeth and oral health has a protective effect. So every six months or a year to the hospital scaling, is very beneficial for dental health.

